Question: How can there be a connection between my arthritis in my hands and whats going on in my gut?

Answer: “The root of all illness in the body starts in the gut”. (Hippocrates)

I know that this may surprise you. And, at first glance it can seem impossible that your gut can be responsible or contributing to your other health issues that are not immediately connected. But, look at the list associated with body ailments or issues when the colon (aka. gut) is not working properly:

Dry skin, hormonal imbalance, joint pain, migraines, sinus issues, low energy, anxiety, re-flux and heartburn are just a few of gut related symptoms. Other symptoms can also include: Irritability, eczema, inflammation, low back pain, water retention, lack of focus, depression, mood swings, PMS or weight gain/loss to name a few.

Symptoms that are directly related to your colon such as bloating, gas, food sensitivities, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation are more obvious and easier to assess that your gut is not happy.

One modern-day issue is that these days people are not aware of whats going on inside their body and do not relate these “unconnected symptoms” with the gut. We have grown accustomed to reaching for the quick fix pill to suppress our inconvenient symptoms as quickly as possible but not address the underlying cause. We have been taught to separate the body into different compartments and only look at one small part and not view out bodies as a whole working organism that is incredibly inter-connected.

When one small part isn’t working right – it’s a domino effect on the rest of the body.

By not addressing the seed or the culprit of the problem it goes unresolved and additional “red flags” or symptoms can show up. Over time, people who continually reach for the quick fix pain medications or e.g., acid re-flux suppressors can eventually experience more serious health issues because the original issue was not addressed.

For example: Inflammation in the gut can result in an almost unlimited list of negative symptoms elsewhere in the body. Studies have shown that chronic inflammation can even predispose individuals to various types of cancer. It is estimated that underlying infections and inflammatory responses are linked to 15–20% of all deaths from cancer worldwide

In 2013, a study was performed and a connection was found between inflammation in the gut and rheumatoid arthritis (New York University)

In fact, if you have the wrong micro-biome (bacteria) balance in your gut it could lead to systemic inflammation according to a new study published today in JCI Insight.


The answer lies in the age-old knowledge that has been brushed under the rug for a long time.

Healthy gut = healthy you. Unhealthy gut = unhealthy you

If your gut is not manufacturing a complete bowel movement (poop) everyday, then your body is slowly becoming more toxic every single day. Week after week, year after year. Your cells, tissues and organs can become saturated with toxins so they cant work optimally. Its just the same as never cleaning our the filter on your dryer! Your clothes wont be dry when you take them out as the filer is all blocked up! Clean the filter and your dyer will work next time just fine!

If you aren’t getting rid of the waste through your bowels then there’s no landfill for you to dump it in. That waste is turned into “metabolic waste” and ends up back in your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system or anywhere it can find. It’s kind of like a recycling system of sorts. And, what’s more, the metabolic waste or toxins can, and will hang out comfortably for a long time before you notice symptoms of toxicity or mal-function somewhere in your body.

If you have gut issues (such as constipation, diarrhea, IBS, gas, bloating, Candida, SIBO, etc.) and have been ignoring them, you could be a candidate for health troubles that seem unrelated but that will be of serious consequence at some point in your life.  

You see, it is incredibly hard for your body to function properly, create energy, detox daily, manage weight, manage hormones, de-stress, maintain mental balance, sleep properly or even stabilize your moods if the gut is not working right. Your systems are weighted down just trying to manage what’s going on inside that they can’t properly handle the overload we demand in this socially over stimulating world that we live in.

It may be a new concept to start looking at whats happening in your gut and relating it to the rest of your body. But, if you start to observe more how you are feeling, what you are eating, how that food affects your energy, emotions, sleep, aches, pains, if you are having a complete bowel movement every day then after a short time its usually an eye opener to be able to connect the dots between your gut health with the rest of your “body health”

Summarizing comment: Vanessa suggests “If you suffer from arthritis, or any other health issue, the best place to start looking is at the condition your gut and your daily poops”.

****** If you are interested in learning more and taking control of your gut health in general then take a look at Vanessa’s “Gut Health Formula - complete guide and protocols to heal your gut naturally”. A comprehensive online course that could be a game changing experience for your well-being from the “bottom up”! Say goodbye to constipation, Candida overgrowth, Gas, Pain Bloating, Hemorrhoids, IBS and more!

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